For Immediate Release
March 12, 2025
Contact: Court Beyer,
WASHINGTON – The Center for Freethought Equality applauds Vermont State Representative Conor Casey (WA-4) on the introduction of House Bill 102 last month, which would protect Vermont consumers from the deceptive practices of health care sharing ministries.
Most health care sharing ministries, also known as health sharing plans, are religious organizations that advertise alongside health insurance options; however, unlike actual health insurance, health care sharing ministries are not required to pay medical claims, and often deny or reject coverage based on religious or moral grounds.
Health sharing plans are allowed to participate adjacent to the insurance marketplace and many consumers across the country – 1.7 million enrollees and counting – are opting into these plans because of promised lower payments than health insurance. Vermont has at least 11 healthcare sharing ministries currently operating within the state.
“The Center for Freethought Equality is proud to support this important bill introduced by Rep. Casey,” said Fish Stark, Executive Director of the Center for Freethought Equality.
“As humanists, we believe people have the right to make informed decisions about their health care. The last thing a family working paycheck to paycheck needs is a surprise bill for medical care they thought was covered. Denying vulnerable people health care coverage – and defrauding them when they need it the most, is beyond reproach; yet all too often, that’s exactly what health sharing plans do.
“These organizations are not subject to the same strict regulations and oversight as traditional health insurance plans, and they do not guarantee payment. H.102 will address this gap, give Vermont consumers more transparency, and ensure they have the necessary information before joining a cost-sharing program. Humanists urge the state to pass this legislation without delay to ensure Vermonters have the necessary information to make informed decisions about their and their families’ health.”
The bill, H.102, if passed, would:
Create regulatory parameters that require health sharing plans that operate in the state to register with the Department of Insurance;
Mandate that HCSMs provide annual data on enrollment numbers and payouts for covered medical expenses for its enrollees; and
Make the reported information public so that consumers are better educated about these types of plans prior to enrollment.
To read the full text of H.102, click here:
The Center for Freethought Equality (CFE) is the political and advocacy arm of the American Humanist Association. CFE is dedicated to advancing the policy interests of humanists and atheists, and politically empowering our community in the United States. Alongside its advocacy and organizing efforts, CFE has an affiliated political action committee, the Center for Freethought Equality PAC, whose mission is to achieve equality for our community by increasing the number of open humanists and atheists, and allies, in public office at all levels of government.
The American Humanist Association (AHA) works to protect the rights of humanists, atheists, and other nontheistic Americans. The AHA advances the ethical and life-affirming worldview of humanism, which—without beliefs in gods or other supernatural forces—encourages individuals to live informed and meaningful lives that aspire to the greater good of humanity.