Polling and Survey Data

Read the latest reports from research and polling institutions on secular life & related issues.

Faith on the Hill: The Religious Composition of the 119th Congress

In this report, Pew Research calls Rep. Jared Huffman (CA-2) a "self-identified" humanist (had they called us we would have given an organizational confirmation). Pew also called Congresswomen Yassamin Ansari (AZ-3) and Emily Randall (WA-6) "nones"; however Ansari is an agnostic. The findings of this report continue to show that Congress is not representative - there is a much higher percentage of Christians in Congress than there are in the U.S. population.

Read the Pew Research Center Report here.

In U.S., 47% Identify as Religious, 33% as Spiritual

Documenting the continued decline of religion in America. 18% of Americans say they are neither religious nor spiritual, which is twice the proportion Gallup measured when it first asked this question in 1999.

Read the Gallup report here.

Faith on the Hill: The Religious Composition of the 118th Congress

In this report, Pew Research identified Congressman Jared Huffman (D-CA) as a humanist. In their report on the 117th Congress, he was alone in a category called "other" - the humanist and atheist community has been considered "other" for far too long and we appreciate Pew recognizing Huffman's preferred identifier. The findings of this report continue to show that Congress is not representative - there is a much higher percentage of Christians in Congress than there are in the U.S. population.

Read the Pew Research Center Report here.

Belief in God in U.S. Dips to 81%, a New Low

According to Pew Research, the percentage of Americans who believe in God dropped 6 points since 2017 to a new low of 81% of the population. This decrease was felt across all categories tracked by Pew, but was bigger with 18-29 year old (10 points), Liberals (11 points), and Democrats (12 points).

Read the Pew Research Center Report here.

Behind Biden's 2020 Victory

According to Pew Research, Joe Biden received 71% of the vote from religiously unaffiliated voters – atheists, agnostics, and those who say their religion is “nothing in particular.” The religiously unaffilated made up 25% of voters in 2020 – up from 17% in the 2018 election (white evangelicals were only 19% of the vote in 2020 – down from 22% in 2018). Pew determined, "Without the religiously unaffiliated, Trump would have had a 9-point popular vote margin over Biden."

Read the Pew Research Center Report here.

Religious Democrats lean toward Biden, while the religiously unaffiliated support Sanders

According to Pew Research, the vast majority of the religiously unaffiliated (75%) disapprove of the way Trump is handling his job as President, while 77% of while evangelicals approve. Also, religiously unaffiliated Democrats lean more toward Bernie Sanders, with atheists and agnostics especially more likely to name Sanders or Elizabeth Warren as their preferred choice, while religious Democrats are more likely to favor Joe Biden

Read the Pew Research Center Report here.

Majority of Americans say belief in God is not necessary in order to be moral

According to Pew Research, about six-in-ten Americans (63%) say it is not necessary to believe in God in order to be moral, while 36% say it is necessary to believe in God in order to be moral and have good values.

Read the Pew Research Center Report here.

In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace

The religious affiliation of Americans is rapidly changing. Pew Research Center surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019 found that 65% of American adults describe themselves as Christians, down 12 percentage points over the past decade. Alternatively, the religiously unaffiliated share of the population, consisting of people who describe their religious identity as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular,” now stands at 26%, up from 17% in 2009.

Read the Pew Research Center Report here.

Would You Vote For a Presidential Candidate Who Is an Atheist?

Gallup has been polling on this question since 1958 (when only 18% of the population would do so). The 2019 poll results determined that 60% of Americans would vote for an atheist presidential candidate -- up two points from when they last asked the question in 2015.

Read the Gallup press release on their 2019 poll.

Atheism Is No Longer a Political Taboo

Explores the growing acceptance of atheist and other nontheist candidates and finds that policy priorities outweigh religious identity in voter preferences.

Read the entire report from the Center for Freethought Equality and American Humanist Association.

The Role of Religion in Politics

With the exception white born-again Christians and non-white Protestants, few Americans put a lot of emphasis on religion when deciding how to vote.

Read the entire report from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

A Slim Majority of Americans Believe in a Biblical God

Just 56% of Americans believe in a God as described in the Bible according to the Pew Research Center, with 33% believing in some other higher power and/or spiritual force and 10% who don't believe in a higher power/spirtual force. Two previous Pew surveys found that belief in God is declining: a 2007 Pew survey found belief in God at 92%, 2014 at 89%, and this poll at 80% (note: this poll was methodologically different from the prior polls).

Read the entire report from the Pew Research Center.

1/3 of Democrats are Religiously Unaffiliated

Religiously unaffiliated voters represent about a quarter (24%) of all registered voters, up from 8% just 20 years ago. These voters now account for a third of Democratic voters - compared to just 9% in 1997. The religiously unaffiliated make up a larger proportion of Democrats than do white Protestants (33% vs. 18%).

Read the entire report from the Pew Research Center.

Values of Atheists are the Most Disparaged

Over half of Evangelicals believe that atheists have inferior values. Around 3 in 10 Mainliners, Black Protestants, and Catholics say that atheists hold inferior values. Note that for all groups, except Americans with “other” or “no” religion, the values of atheists are the most disparaged.

Read the entire report from Baylor.

White Christians are no longer a Majority in US

Only 43% of Americans identify as white and Christian, and only 30% as white and Protestant. In 1976, roughly eight in ten (81%) Americans identified as white and identified with a Christian denomination, and a majority (55%) were white Protestants.

Read the entire report from PRRI.

Americans Warming to Atheists

Americans' cool feelings toward atheists are growing warmer, especially for those under 50 years of age.

Read the entire report from Pew.

Religious Composition of the 115th Congress

Despite their declining numbers among all Americans, 91% of the members of the 115th Congress are Christian.

Read the entire report from Pew.

The End of White Christian America

American is no longer a majority white Christian nation; however, they were still the majority of voters who turned out in the 2016 election.

Read more about this book at PRRI.

Why America's "Nones" Left Religion Behind

The vast majority of "Nones" -- 78% -- were raised in a particular religion and decided to leave it as an adult.

Read the entire report from Pew.

CFE Infographic: Political Climate for Secular Candidates in the US

Download & print the Center for Freethought Equality's infographic on the political climate for secular candidates.

View the CFE infographic.

Pew Research Center's Religion and Public Life Project: Growth of the Nonreligious

About half of Americans say the growing number of “people who are not religious” is bad for American society. But a similar share say either that this trend is good or that it does not make much difference, according to a new survey by the Pew Research Center.

Read the entire report from Pew.

Gallup: Atheists, Muslims See Most Bias as Presidential Candidates

While more than nine in 10 Americans would vote for a presidential candidate who is black, a woman, Catholic, Hispanic, or Jewish, significantly smaller percentages would vote for one who is an atheist (54%) or Muslim (58%).

Read the entire report from Gallup.

American Religious Identification Surveys

ARIS's first report of 2013 shows that young adult Americans have been identified as the population most responsible for recent changes in the nation’s religious identification and patterns of religiosity.

Read this and other reports from The American Religious Identification Surveys.