Urge your senators to oppose Linda McMahon’s confirmation as the Secretary of Education!
The Senate will soon be voting on whether to confirm Linda McMahon as the next Secretary of Education. We need you to contact your senators now to ensure they vote NO on her confirmation.
McMahon is a voucher cheerleader - discrimination’s biggest fan, a privatization devotee, public schools’ biggest adversary. “Fund education freedom, not government run systems,” she stated in her Senate hearing last week.
Public education is in serious danger under a McMahon Department of Education.
The Department of Education’s mission is to ensure access to equal educational opportunity for every individual, and a strong secular public education system is the foundation for how we achieve that mission.
However, in her testimony, McMahon proclaimed that under her reign, the Department “will protect the rights of parents to direct the moral education of their children.” She wants to divert millions of American tax dollars to fund private religious schools. McMahon either doesn’t understand the mission of the Department or plans to willfully ignore it. Either case makes her unfit to serve.