Today United States Representative Jim Himes (CT-4) introduced U.S. House Resolution 67, also known as the Darwin Day Resolution, which would recognize Charles Darwin’s birthday, February 12, as a national day to celebrate science, education and humanity.
Announcing the PAC’s second slate of endorsements.
In anticipation of the 205th birthday of Charles Darwin, celebrated around the world on February 12th as Darwin Day, U.S. Rep. Rush Holt (NJ) re-introduced a resolution today “expressing support for the designation of February 12 as Darwin Day.”
The Freethought Equality Fund PAC announced today its first slate of endorsements: U.S. Rep. Jared Polis (CO), U.S. Rep. Rush Holt (NJ), U.S. Rep. Bobby Scott (VA), U.S. House candidate Dr. Lee Rogers (CA), State Rep. Carolyn Tomei (OR), and State Rep. Juan Mendez (AZ).
The first nontheist Political Action Committee to have full time paid staff advocating for the rights of nonbelievers is being launched today by the Center for Humanist Activism. The Freethought Equality Fund will be backing candidates who support the constitutional principal of church-state separation and defend the civil liberties of secular Americans.
Air Force Trainee Jonathan Bise and others will be offered a chance to recite and sign a secular oath as part of their graduation ceremony on Tuesday, after officials noted that they had erred in including the phrase, "So help me God" as mandatory in both written and verbal versions.
The U.S. Naval Academy turned down a recent graduate's request to hold a "humanist" wedding in the main campus chapel because it was not a Christian ceremony, a move the American Humanist Association is calli ng unconstitutional.
Humanists of Chico, CA: we need your help fighting a violation of the separation between church and state that is happening right now in your town.
(RNS) House lawmakers late Tuesday (July 23) approved an amendment to a Pentagon spending bill to prevent the appointment of nonreligious military chaplains.
The American Humanist Association, sister organization to the Center for Humanist Activism, signed the coalition letter below from The National Center for Public Education.